Tuesday, April 8, 2008 

Fighting the Disability

Disabilities can be broadly classified into the two categories:

Physical Disability. Such disabilities involve impairment of a limb or organ. Examples are blindness, cripple, polio etc. It can be either acquired or developmental. Such impairment is treatable due to the advancement of medical sciences. Limb replacement or organ transplant is widely prevalent these days.

Mental Disability refers to any mental retardation or mental deficiency. This is a disorder of the brain which leads to improper or abnormal reactions and moods. Mental disabilities are usually developmental. The cure of such disabilities depends on the intensity of abnormality. Usually psychiatric treatment works of patients with mental disabilities.

They can be classified further on the age and time they affect a body:

Acquired disability is a permanent impairment experienced as a result of some accident or mishap. It may not have been present at the time of birth. Examples are AIDS, Alzheimer's Disease etc. Such diseases, if occur with aging, are usually not treatable. Others such as spinal cord injury can b cured.

Developmental disability is the impairment that one either is born with or acquires it before the age of 22. Examples are polio, Down's syndrome, learning disabilities, etc. Such disabilities can be improved upon, but they cannot be completely removed.

Do you think there is no way you can get rid of that disability? Is that disability giving you another syndrome? Well my friend, think again!

You cannot cure your disability? Alright! But does it mean that you can't be as good as the others? Everyone has shortcomings and you just have some that are visible enough. There are examples all around of people who left their disabilities way behind on the road to success!

Games have been modified specially to suit the disabilities.

You can enhance your positive points. For example if you can't play basket ball, you might have the special talent to write poetry or paint.

If you find it hard to be a part of the office culture, you can try teaching in schools. Spending time with children would make you feel better.

Disability is as rigorous as you consider it to be! Consider it like a short coming that all of us have and live with.

Read more articles http://www.HomeSaaz.net

Tarang Bhargava is the CEO of Vexat Inc. and has an affiliate marketing experience of six years. The website http://www.earncashonline.in is Affiliate Marketing invitation that provides an opportunity to Indians to make money through internet using his experience.

Read articles by him at http://www.ArticlesDirectory.org

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