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Thursday, April 3, 2008 

Do We Die When We Sleep?

Jesus never spoke of death; He always referred to death as sleep. This is because He saw death as temporary. During biblical times, everyone believed in resurrection, or reincarnation. Sleep is not just a revitalizing the body. During sleep our body metabolism lowers. In a way sleep takes us a step closer to death.

A recent medical survey confirmed that most people above 50 years of age die in their sleep. Also, sleep lets us dream, which is getting connected with our inner conscience! Sleeping isn't dying.

Death is a phenomenon that captures all living beings. It can be categorized by "end of life." Life can end because of various reasons but in layman terms it can be said that death is said to have occurred when malfunction of one or more parts of the body leads to collapse of the internal biological system.

Sleep allows the functioning brain to rest. It cannot be called death until all the organs stop functioning and the body starts to decay. Unnatural death in humans can be clubbed into two categories murder and suicide. Both are punishable under Indian law.

Murder is the killing of humans. There can be many reasons that can lead one or more people to kill one or more people. Yet, no reason has been justified well enough to spare the sin except that done in personal defense.

Suicide is killing one's own self intentionally. Again there might be many reasons why someone would want to do such a thing, but all these reasons are usually pessimistic and even if an individual wants to take his own life, he still is ending a life, so is punishable. The punishment however is given when the person tries to commit suicide. An already dead person cannot be punished.

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Tarang Bhargava is the CEO of Vexat Inc. and has an affiliate marketing experience of six years. The website http://www.earncashonline.in is Affiliate Marketing invitation that provides an opportunity to Indians to make money through internet using his experience.

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